RTS Pakistan


We always hear about people who get paralyzed after a bath. Why haven’t we heard of someone falling somewhere else? or Anesthesia!

When I participated in the Healthy Lifestyle Course, a professor from the sports council also participated in the course. Professor advised that you do not wash your hair before taking a bath, and you should first clean the other parts of your body. The reason is that when the head is wet and cold, the blood will flow to the head to warm. If the blood vessels are tight, there is a possibility of blood vessels bursting. Since this is usually the case in the bathroom, be sure to raise your awareness and awareness to prevent a stroke.

  1. First, let the soaking part of the foot wet.
  2. Short legs (knee-to-foot)
  3. Thigh
  4. Stomach
  5. Shoulder
  6. Hold for 5-10 seconds.

We will feel steam, wind flowing through the body, and then bath as usual.

Wisdom: What would it be like to have a glass filled with hot water and then fill it with cold water?
The glass will explode. !!!

In our bodies… what happened?
If our body temperature is too high and water is too cold, if we boil the body or serpent directly, the air can get stuck and death can occur due to the breakage of blood vessels.

Oh, that’s why we often see people suddenly falling into the bathroom. By bathing incorrectly, we may be paralyzed or have a migraine (half headache).

This method of bathing is suitable for all ages, especially for those who have diabetes (Diabetics), hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol (grease) and migraine (half headache). Is. ۔

Don’t just take it for granted, please make others aware…
(Courtesy by Shahid Hussain)

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